Awang Bulan duduk di beranda rumah.Malam ini bulan terang.Senyum.Bulan memang banyak berjasa pada dunia.Bulan rela terbelah dua membuktikan kerasulan Muhammad di hadapan musyrikin.Bulan juga yang dicari orang sebelum dan sesudah Ramadhan.Tanpa bulan,matilah malam.Tidaklah keluar manusia kerana takutkan kegelapan.Ia tak pernah lupa tanggungjawabnya,walaupun terpaksa meminjam cahaya dari matahari.Sedang manusia terus-terusan lupa amanah yang terpikul di bahu sendiri.Awang Bulan kagum dengan Pencipta Sang Bulan.Dek kerana gemilang sinarnya,Spaniard tanpa ragu-ragu menamakan sebuah kawasan di Sorsogon,Filipina dengan nama Bulan.Tidaklah juga Awang Bulan mengibaratkan isterinya seperti bulan kalau bukan kerana sinarnya yang menawan.Walaupun nyatanya gelap dan berkawah-kawah,ia tetap nampak cantik di mata manusia.
Huh,anak muda zaman sekarang memang tidak tahu menghargai bulan.Disuruh pula bulan jadi saksi cinta mereka yang belum pasti pengakhirannya.Dia dan isterinya dulu dipertemukan oleh keluarga tanpa cinta tapi dipupuk ketika bulan madu dan nah,boleh juga kekal hingga sekarang.
Bulan oh bulan.Kau punya banyak sejarah,banyak kisah,jasamu juga banyak.Awang Bulan tak pernah rasa kekurangan.Dia tetap merasa nikmat walau tak akan mampu sentuh jasadnya.Menyentuh ia pun mustahil,inikan pula mengharap bulan jatuh ke riba.Ah...Awang Bulan malas mengimpikan perkara yang mustahil,takut jadi macam Pungguk,yang rindukan bulan itu.
Lebih baik dia memikirkan cara,bagaimana tanahnya bisa menyokong bulan.Kerana padanya,bulan saja yang mampu bawa kemajuan,yang berlandaskan Islam.Kepimpinan yang bersih suci,berkat dengan keredhaan Sang Pencipta.Awang Bulan berusaha sehabis daya supaya orang ramai tahu matlamat bulan.Ini bukan kerja mudah.Mungkin satu hari nanti,rakyat akan celik hati juga.Sabarlah.Tak lari Gunung Bulusan dikejar.
Awang Bulan bingkas bangun.Dia perlu tidur awal.Esok tenaganya perlu dikerah.Banyak lagi tempahan wau bulan yang perlu dia siapkan.Sebelum menguak daun pintu,sempat dia menjeling bunga anggrek bulan yang mekar di laman.Semoga kasihnya pada bulan sentiasa mekar seperti bunga itu.Dan setianya pada bulan teguh seperti setianya rakyat Indonesia pada bunga kebangsaan mereka yang satu ini.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Posted by HUSNA at 14:02 7 comments
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Historical Roots of the Nursing Profession In Islam
Rufaidah Bint Sa'ad
by Prof Dr Omar Hasan Kasule,Sr.
This short paper presents the history of Rufaidah, the first professional nurse in Islamic history. She lived at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the 1st century AH/8th century CE. Her history illustrates all the attributes expected of a good nurse. She was kind and empathetic. She was a capable leader and organiser able to mobilise and get others to produce good work. She had clinical skills that she shared with the other nurses whom she trained and worked with. She did not confine her nursing to the clinical situation. She went out to the community and tried to solve the social problems that lead to disease. She was a public health nurse and a social worker. Rufaidah is an inspiration for the nursing profession in the Muslim world.
Rufaidah bint Sa'ad
Rufaidah bint Sa'ad, is recognized as the first Muslim nurse. Her full name was Rufaidah bint Sa'ad of the Bani Aslam tribe of the Khazraj tribal confederation in Madinah. She was born in Yathrib before the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She was among the first people in Madina to accept Islam and was one of the Ansar women who welcomed the Prophet on arrival in Madina.
Rufaidah's father was a physician. She learned medical care by working as his assistant. Her history illustrates all the attributes expected of a good nurse. She was kind and empathetic. She was a capable leader and organizer, able to mobilize and get others to produce good work. She had clinical skills that she shared with the other nurses whom she trained and worked with. She did not confine her nursing to the clinical situation. She went out to the community and tried to solve the social problems that lead to disease. She was both a public health nurse and a social worker.
When the Islamic state was well established in Madina, Rufaidah devoted herself to nursing the Muslim sick. In peace time she set up a tent outside the Prophet's mosque in Madina where she nursed the sick. During war she led groups of volunteer nurses who went to the battlefield and treated the casualties. She participated in the battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khaibar, and others. Rufaidah's field hospital tent became very famous during the battles and the Prophet used to direct that the casualties be carried to her.
At the battle of the trench (ghazwat al khandaq), Rufaidah set up her hospital tent at the battlefield. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed that Sa'ad bin Ma'adh who had been injured in battle be moved to the tent. Rufaidah nursed him, carefully removed the arrow from his forearm and achieved hemostasis. The prophet visited Sa'ad in the hospital tent several times a day. Sa'ad was to die later at the battle of Bani Quraidhat.
Rufaidah had trained a group of women companions as nurses. When the Prophet's army was getting ready to go to the battle of Khaibar, Rufaidah and the group of volunteer nurses went to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They asked him for permission "Oh messenger of Allah, we want to go out with you to the battle and treat the injured and help Muslims as much as we can". The Prophet gave them permission to go. The nurse volunteers did such a good job that the Prophet assigned a share of the booty to Rufaidah. Her share was equivalent to that of soldiers who had actually fought. This was in recognition of her medical and nursing work.
Rufaidah's contribution was not confined only to nursing the injured. She was involved in social work in the community. She came to the assistance of every Muslim in need: the poor, the orphans, or the handicapped. She looked after the orphans, nursed them, and taught them.
Rufaidah had a kind and empathetic personality that soothed the patients in addition to the medical care that she provided. The human touch is a very important aspect of nursing that is unfortunately being forgotten as the balance between the human touch and technology in nursing is increasingly tilted in favor of technology.
Posted by HUSNA at 06:12 0 comments
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Rakyat yang kejauhan
Sejak akhir-akhir ini saya jadi lemas dengan isu yang melanda negara saya sendiri.Bukan mahu menegatifkan mana-mana pihak sekadar menyuarakan rasa simpati saya pada rakyat (saya juga rakyat!) yang berada di tengah-tengah antara keadilan dan kuasa.Ha?Kenapa antara keadilan dan kuasa.Yalah,kuasa telah sebetulnya menguasai kebenaran dan keadilan.
Demokrasi bererti pemerintahan oleh rakyat melalui wakil-wakil mereka (wakil rakyat).Tapi saya keliru sejauh mana negara saya melaksanakan demokrasi?Sebagai contoh isu PPSMI baru-baru ini.Rakyat bermati-matian memperjuangkan suara mereka supaya program ini dimansuhkan.Kesal saya dengan sikap pemimpin yang terus-terusan mempertahankan sedangkan rakyat terutamanya pelajar melaluinya dengan perit dan keciciran.Ini isu serius.Jika tidak masakan A. Samad Said mempertaruhkan gelaran 'Sasterawan Negara'nya demi perjuangan ini.Khabarnya PPSMI mahu dikaji semula.Harapnya ada sesuatu yang berhasil bukan sekadar masuk telinga kanan,keluar telinga kiri saja.
Tidak lama selepas itu isu politik di Perak pula.Dengan penyingkiran Datuk Seri Ir. Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar dan diganti dengan orang lain sewenang-wenangnya tanpa mengambil kira tindakan rakyat,saya pelik.Yang mahu diterajui adalah rakyat bukan pemimpin atasan.Jadi lebih wajar sekiranya sang pemimpin dipilih oleh golongan itu sendiri bukan dilantik oleh pihak atasan semata-mata mahu menjaga kedudukan mereka di negeri ini.
Yang paling hangat sekali tentunya kisah kekecohan semasa persidangan DUN Perak hari itu.Di dalam berlaku rampasan jawatan Speaker manakala polis menangkap orang ramai yang mengerumuni kawasan sekitar luar dewan,yang hairannya orang-orang yang datang mahu minum teh juga diheret sekali.Itu belum dikira tahanan ISA yang disumbat ke penjara tanpa perbicaraan dan dikeluarkan tanpa penjelasan.
Saya kira sistem demokrasi negara telah dicemar lantaran nafsu menguasai diri.Lalu yang terima padahnya siapa lagi kalau bukan anak-anak yang belajar di sekolah,ibubapa yang mencari rezki menyara keluarga,kakitangan negara yang melaksanakan arahan,golongan-golongan yang faham yang memperjuangkan,pendamba-pendamba keadilan.Senang cerita,rakyatlah..
Saya mohon saya masih boleh bertahan dengan tanah ini.Saya juga mohon pemimpin boleh bertindak dengan adil tanpa gila kuasa atau pangkat,wakil rakyat benar-benar bertindak sebagai wakil kepada rakyat serta media yang paling cemerlang menghubungkan rakyat dan hal negara,bersikap neutral dalam paparan.Negara tanpa keterlibatan rakyat akan melalui saat-saat kejatuhan.Kami tak mahu itu.Kami mahu rasa yakin dan berbangga punya sebuah kerajaan perpaduan.Jangan sampai lagu 'Bumi Bertuah' ditukar liriknya sudahlah.
Posted by HUSNA at 06:45 1 comments
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Oh day,it has many ways!
1.Alhamdulillah.Parasit Practical Exam went smooth today.I don't know (I don't wanna know actually) either I got it all right or not.I don't wish to have some kind of fretful feeling by knowing my mistakes after I've got it all done.Let bygone be bygone lor...
2.We gave a visit to Ummi Mahmud's house and got the opportunity to have an Egyptian lunch together.The best part was indulging the white bread with carrot jams which you never find it in Malaysia,I think so.Trust me,it tastes awesome.
3.Bolognaise spaghetti?Get everyone fantasizing the delicious minced meat with tomato sauce and cheese.Making bolognaise at home wasn't so hard after all,provided I do it with Piah.Thanks hunn (*hugs and kisses*).
4.Bella is very lucky to have her mom came all the way from Malaysia to be with her in Zagazig,even only for a week.And now I miss my Mom!
5.It is time to get prepped with Pathology.Have tons of things to be settled:Answering the slide cards questions,memorizing the descriptions on slides and jars,and also eyeing those slides under the to go...
Posted by HUSNA at 22:11 6 comments
Sunday, 3 May 2009
belum tamat jalan cerita,
merdeka masih belum tiba,
lalu pelakon tekun bekerja,
agar hati puas berkata,
pentomen ini sangat berjaya.
Posted by HUSNA at 08:31 6 comments