1.Alhamdulillah.Parasit Practical Exam went smooth today.I don't know (I don't wanna know actually) either I got it all right or not.I don't wish to have some kind of fretful feeling by knowing my mistakes after I've got it all done.Let bygone be bygone lor...
2.We gave a visit to Ummi Mahmud's house and got the opportunity to have an Egyptian lunch together.The best part was indulging the white bread with carrot jams which you never find it in Malaysia,I think so.Trust me,it tastes awesome.
3.Bolognaise spaghetti?Get everyone fantasizing the delicious minced meat with tomato sauce and cheese.Making bolognaise at home wasn't so hard after all,provided I do it with Piah.Thanks hunn (*hugs and kisses*).
4.Bella is very lucky to have her mom came all the way from Malaysia to be with her in Zagazig,even only for a week.And now I miss my Mom!
5.It is time to get prepped with Pathology.Have tons of things to be settled:Answering the slide cards questions,memorizing the descriptions on slides and jars,and also eyeing those slides under the microscope.Huhu..got to go...
Tips masuk MRSM/SBP
2 weeks ago
waaa..x sabar nak blk..tp malas nak exam..bleh x? ahahhaa..oh..miss my mak n ibu too!!!
zul arfil husni di mana? :p
piah- bleh2..bleh blah..ahaha main2 ja..
anis- ayak..name penuh seh...zul arfil husni yg amek gmba...so bliau tiada dlm gmba
cess...kuang asam..bg ang kat seseorg br tauu...ahaha..
husna..nanti msakkn hana bolognaise spaghetti tu ye..cm lazat je...hehe...
Husna, mak su doakan kecemerlangan utk Husna. Moga tabah berjauhan dgn keluarga yer.
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